The process of inseminating a woman with the sperm of a donor to enable her to have a baby is known as donor insemination or DI. Sperm donation enables a man to father a child for third-party women and is therefore categorized as a form of third-party reproduction. the sperm cells, be used to provide pregnancies for third parties.
A man provides his semen but the purpose of the donation is that his gametes contained within the semen, i.e. Sperm donation may also be known as 'semen donation'. The man is known as a 'sperm donor' and the sperm he provides is known as 'donor sperm' because the intention is that the man will give up all legal rights to any child produced from his sperm, and will not be the legal father. Where pregnancies go to full term, the sperm donor will be the biological father of every baby born from his donations. Sperm donation is the provision by a man of his sperm with the intention that it be used in the artificial insemination or other 'fertility treatment' of a woman or women who are not his sexual partners in order that they may become pregnant by him.
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